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Word of Mouth (WOMM)

Word of Mouth (WOMM)

Marketers know that consumers are more likely to trust them

Co-workers on traditional advertising when shopping decisions

Some "Word of mouth" (WoM) is still one of the most effective marketing techniques online

Consumers send product samples to the product group and encourage them to use the product and share product information and their opinions with other consumers.

Word of mouth, WoM
word of mouth, bought something, something special

Offline. In today's tough market, businesses are fighting for their share

Sales, If you can make a reputation and talk to people, then you can achieve a new victory. Go to the extra mile for your customers. Make them feel special – like they have bought something, which provides real value for them.

Trade for your firm.

The best part of the word ‘word of mouth marketing’ is that it does not make money for business, instead, satisfied customers tell people about the positive experience of their business, brand, product or service. The key is to ensure that your current customers are satisfied. Recently, the Industry Survey Marketing Association by the American Marketing Association and Word of the Mouth, more than 70% of marketers said they used to plan consumers to spread the content related to the product.

word of mouth

The experience he has with your firm.

Consumers will think positively about your business and you, try to tell friends, colleagues and contacts about brand and positive
Word of Mouth (WOMM)
That product or service
Generally, people do business with people they know and love. Many of us buy a product or service because it is recommended for us by a friend or colleague. If a friend or colleague knows or likes a particular product or service, then you will trust the firm's offer.